Sunday, January 8, 2012

Dancing Fools

Kids:  They dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music.
                                                                       -William Stafford

True enough.  The boys love to dance.  Most of their signature moves seem to require spinning in circles while also spinning their arms in circles.

There is the spin to the left move.  And the right spin move.  The spin 6 times and fall down on purpose move.  The spin until you can't stand anymore move (Usually 7 spins).  And my favorite, the push your brother while he's in mid spin and watch him bounce off the refrigerator move.  That one is destined to become a classic.  And it's usually saved for last.  Or at least it seems to signal the end of a dance session.  Talk about head banging...

Music certainly isn't required.  I see them dance often enough while the radio and TV are off.  I'm not sure what mysterious force moves them, but there is no stopping it once the fever hits.  Quinn in particular seems to have developed a sans music jazz style that's loads of fun to watch.

But when the music is on, they really go to town.  Usually it's Elliott that asks me to turn on the radio when we come downstairs in the morning.  Among their favorites are Joni Mitchell (Big Yellow taxi), Iggy Pop's Lust for Life, Closer to Fine by the Indigo Girls, anything by AC/DC...

And anything by the Dropkick Murphys:

You gotta love a couple of little boys rocking out to the Dropkick Murphys.

The new thing is to dance nekked.  I'm not sure if this is related to potty training, or just the manifestation of typical male preferences.  It may even be practicing for the upcoming Nekked Olympics.  I discovered today that our house had been chosen to be the site of the 2012 Nekked Boy Olympics (More great material on the way).  Dance away boys, dance away.  The world will make you put your pants back on soon enough, so enjoy it while you can... or at least until Mommy wakes up.

Speaking of Mommy, my wife sent me a link the other day to a pretty good blog.  The post is called 25 Rules for Mom's, and I think you should take a look at Rule #5.  While biology would appear to deprive me of maternal instincts, clearly I'm on to something.  Dancing, and the fun it brings, must be universal.  

Well, I suppose that I could be spending to much time with my feminine side, but I'm going to stick with universal fun.  

Heck, I'll admit it.  Most mornings I join in.  I've even developed a vacuum dance that I'm just waiting to try out at the next wedding I get invited to.  I'm sure it will take it's place alongside the lawn mower and the sprinkler.

Clearly though, the boys have discovered a secret, and helped me rediscover it.  Dancing, especially when it mostly involves jumping up and down, spinning in circles and swinging your arms wildly, involves no small amount of crazy.  But it's the good kind of crazy- the feel good crazy that leaves you dizzy, breathless, and quite possibly in a heap on the floor.  Mr. Stafford may feel it's because they haven't learned what music is yet or they haven't learned you need music to dance.  

I think it might be something different.  Maybe they just haven't learned to care yet.  If that's it, I hope they never do.

Feel free to join us tomorrow morning.  The boys and I will be laughing as we bust a move and get our crazy on.  Trust me...  Dancing fools like us know how to start the day right.


  1. Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much and DANCE AS IF NO ONE IS WATCHING!!!!

  2. Life is a dance! I agree Joni Mitchell rocks!
    Have a great day,
    Joni Mitchell Oliver

  3. Your blog is too funny, I actually laughed out loud. Just started reading it. Found you on BabyCenter. Sorry my sentences are so short and to the point, I'm on my phone and hate typing..

  4. Thanks so much!

    I'm glad you got a laugh out of it. These little guys know how to push my buttons some days, but not a day goes by that I don't end up laughing with them!
